Mark Leys
Prof. Dr. Mark Leys graduated as a sociologist at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, followed by a PhD in health sciences at the same university.
He has since been working at Open University of the Netherlands, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam and the Federal Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE, Brussels). He currently holds the position of Professor and Head of the Organization Policy and Inequalities in Health research group at Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Professor Leys has extensive expertise in health systems, health services research and evaluation research. He is currently running a number of evaluation projects on innovations in health care, particularly in the fields of mental health care, chronic care and elderly care. He is actively involved in research on, and the promotion of, knowledge transfer and knowledge brokering to bridge the gap between research and policymaking.
He is also Program Director of the Master of management and policy in health care (VUB).
Laarbeeklaan 103
1090 Brussels